IPS Elements and Phases statements

Conception and technologies for maintenance support are depicted.

Support strategies, alternatives and metrics are listed.

IPS's development team is composed.

Market support capability and trends analysis is started.

Lessons learned analysis schedule is set.

Disposal Plan preliminary version is issued.

Conception and technologies for maintenance support are consolidated.

Support strategies, alternatives and metrics are reviewed and defined.

IPS's development team meeting is scheduled.

Market support capability and trends analysis is completed.

Design reviews are scheduled.

Test and evaluation methodologies are defined.

Supportability requirements for project discussions is reviewed.

Suppliers selection methodology is described.

Deployment reports structured and formalized.

Disposal Plan definitive version is issued.

Requirements and IPSP follow-up are documented.

Contract management and production follow-up.

Verification of established support conceptions.

Deployment reports ready, and issued accordingly.

Life Cycle support plan continuously updated.

Supportability performance analysis is regularly submitted to PSM.

Obsolescence report is ready to be issued.

System performance is continuously assessed.

MTBF analysis is continuously updated.

Recycling and reverse logistics politics partially ready.

PSM assess product continuity with demanding updates.

A safe disposal is guaranteed.

Disposal Plan follow-up is executed.

Recycling and reverse logistics politics reviewed and issued.

1. Describe operational requirements and usage scenarios

2. List stakeholders needs, and measures of effectiveness

1. Participate in progressive formal and informal design reviews

2. Ensure that the solution meets the stakeholder`s requirements

3. Perform life cycle cost (affordability) analysis

4. Perform Product support analysis

5. Perform support engineering analysis

6. Provide RAMTS report, and the LSA database

7. Perform logistic support analysis (LSA)

Production statement must be written here

Performance indicators and measurements are monitored

How hardware components must be phased out of the inventory stock?

How items must be disposed of or recycled?

How support services and facilities must be decommissioned?

Collection and triage of all service use and maintenance data.

Performance of trade-off studies for supportability

Production statement for Sustaining engineering must be written here

Performance indicators and measurements are monitored

Disposal statement for Sustaining engineering must be written here

The preparation phase requires support to the main supplier`s selection and contract activities — moreover, the development of the Supplier´s Contract and Product Support Agreement standards.

Inputs: Concept of Support (CONSUP); Integrated Product Support (IPS) Plan; Obsolescence Report;

Concept of Maintenance (CONMAINT); High-level requirements

Participation in the selection of equipment and suppliers

initial packages of spares and support equipment

Performance indicators and measurements are monitored

Hardware components must be phased out of the inventory stock

Items must be disposed of or recycled as appropriate

Develop the maintenance concept and initial maintenance requirements

Inputs: Concept of Support (CONSUP); Concept of Operations (CONOPS) /Integrated Product Support (IPS ) Plan

Outputs: Maintenance Concepts (CONMAINT); Level 0 Maintenance Requirement

The Development phase requires the following activities:

1- Guidelines for Maintenance Analysis according to Standard applicable to the system to be developed.

2 - Maintenance Plan development according to S 4000P – International specification for development and continuously improve preventive maintenance or A4A MSG-3 Operator/Manufacturer Scheduled Maintenance.

3 - Maintenance Cost analysis

4- Perform Diagnostics, Prognostics and Helath Managemnet (D&PHM0 analysis

5 - Perform LORA

6 - Perform MTA

7 - Software Impact analysis

8 - Supportability Safety Analysis

Inputs: Concept of Support (CONSUPP); Concept of Operation (CONOPS) /Integrated Product Support (IPS) Plan


[Make allocations and predictions for availability, reliability, maintainability and testability.

"Analyze an identified maintenance tasks concerning its support requirements including spare parts and consumables, support equipment, personnel, facilities ]

Mission and test equipment are available and full operational.

Maintenance Tasks verified, approved, and issued.

Execute and register the Maintenance Task

Collect operational and maintenance data for safety analysis, trend analysis, trade-off analysis, accident/incident investigation, and failure/event reporting and corrective actions.

Performance indicators and measurements are monitored.

Prepare for long term storage.

Performance indicators and measurements are monitored

The preparation phase requires the development of the following activities:

1- Develop the preliminary technical data concept report describing the tech pub standards reference, data format, list of Technical Manuals (TMs), including Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs), e-maintenance capabilities, and strategy for the distribution and revision of maintenance ad training data need to support the complex system.

2- Develop high-level requirements based on user needs, CONOPS, CONSUP, and CONMAINT. Those requirements should be unambiguous, correct, simple, precise, understandable, realistic, possible, independent, necessary, consistent, non-redundant and complete

Inputs: Concept of Support (CONSUP); Concept of Operation (CONOPS) /Integrated Product Support (IPS) Plan


Technical documentation updates

Performance indicators and measurements are monitored

Support equipment needs must be listed and prioritized according to the sustainability conception.

1. Support equipment requirements analysis has been accomplished

2. There is a support equipment draft plan, with timely provisioning.

3. Assure that the support equipment is in the initial provision list.

4. Assure that the support equipment is inexistent or, if existent, can not be shared (if it exists and can be shared with quantity and quality to attend supportability requirements).

Support equipment needs must be reviewed.

The information should be in sufficient depth to ensure the acquisition, design, support, and user communities have an early common understanding of the support equipment sustainment requirements, approach, and associated risks.

1. There is a support equipment detailed plan, with timely provisioning.

2. Long lead items identified and acquisition processes continued as required

3. Logistics support requirements for support equipment are completely identified

4. Special purpose electronic test equipment requirements list is complete

5. Delivery of test and evaluation equipments is planned.

6. Sharing possibilities have been evaluated.

Performance indicators and measurements are monitored

Definitions for operating and maintaining the Product

Plans for training for operating and maintaining the Product

Initial training for operating and maintaining the Product

Performance indicators and measurements are monitored

Performance indicators and measurements are monitored

Identify facilities and infrastructure requirements.

Identify and prepare plans for the acquisition of facilities.

Identify and prepare plans for infrastructure building.

Review facilities and infrastructure requirements.

Review the acquisition of facilities.

Review infrastructure requirements.

Audit facilities and infrastructure requirements.

Audit the acquisition of facilities.

Audit infrastructure requirements.

Performance indicators and measurements are monitored.

Maintain facilities and infrastructure.

Facilities and infrastructure must be decommissioned.

The Preparation phase of computer resources must be .....

The Development phase of computer resources must be .....

The Production phase of computer resources must be .....

The In-service phase of computer resources must be .....

performance indicators and measurements are monitored

The Disposal phase of computer resources must be .....